My Lovely Muse

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Learning to Slow Down

Being fully immersed in society has made slowing down something that needs to be practiced in order to become a habit. If this past year has taught me anything, it’s that I need to spend more time slowing down, especially having a 4 and 6 year old at home who never slow down! I’m sure many of you feel the same! Now that we’re slowly creeping back into the world, I’m hesitant to fill up my calendar and put too much on my plate - as I’m guilty of this! I’m learning to say “no” to more in order to reduce stress and cling to more of my sanity in an effort to make slow living more of a habit.

As I’m focusing on my garden, spending time with my kids before I send them off to school in the fall (homeschooling was not for us unfortunately!), and building new routines for myself, you’ll find less options to customize products on my website. I am also taking a break from alterations and other custom clothing orders at this time. I’ll still be at markets throughout the summer and sewing up new eco-wares when I feel so inclined, but slow and intuitive living has me taking a break from the stress of alterations.

In the name of slow living, we built an extension of our back deck in the form of a patio (since lumber prices are sky high!) and bought our first patio set in the almost 9 years we’ve lived in our house! I see myself working on my computer outside and even taking my sewing machine out to work on my eco-wares! I’ve created more garden spaces in our yard so my food garden has extended beyond the 350sqft space we have designated for food. I’m looking watching my gardens grow!

How are you embracing slow living? We all could use some tips to make this lifestyle more of a habit.